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「なんでチェチェの絵が飾ってあるクマ?」 「・・・・・・、プーにゃん、それ、デリシア様だよ」 「そっ、そうなのクマ? 神様、プーにゃんは美味しいご飯とおやつをたくさん食べたいクマ!!」 「あたしに向かって拝んでも今日のお昼にレモンタルトは付かないよ?」
An image of a fine framed religious painting. A religious painting of the Goddess of Gastronomy in elegant robes, who appears to be a petite but muscular girl of about 12 human years, with green hair in a ponytail and pretty dwarven girl with slightly pointed ears, holding an offering of bread and wine, the symbols of a meal. The goddess exudes godliness and majesty despite her girlish appearance.