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USA GI ジェーン
少尉?なんですか?その変な帽子は? そのウサギのぬいぐるみは? 市民と親睦を図るための、コスプレっぽい広報のお仕事だが・・・・・・ えっ、日本って、ウサギの兵隊ってポピュラーなんじゃないですか 『大林幻文:兎の糞一号」 置いてあった雑誌をちらりと見て まっ、まあ、一部で人気はあるみたいですけど・・・・・・ 軍曹は、少尉のうさ耳と、ぬいぐるみを取っ払いながら微妙に答えた
lop-ear rabbit ears, the comic has a soldier represented as a rabbit on the cover.,In a tropical jungle, a beautiful girl of about 18 years old, with blonde hair in a ponytail, wearing a military uniform over a black one-piece skirt and the rank insignia of second lieutenant, is wearing a camouflage outfit with lop-ear rabbit ears and a camouflage jungle hat over it. She is fully armed with ammunition belt, pistols, knives, ammunition, grenades, and ALICE gear on top of her camouflage uniform, carrying a rifle on her back, holding a large Japanese military comic in her hand and pointing to it, and she has a desperate look on her face, appealing for something, and the comic has a soldier represented as a rabbit on the cover.