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夜空から落っこちてしまったお星さまを、捕まえて空に帰すお手伝いをしている二人。 この間からこの感じが気に入っていて絵柄を模索中。 機会があったらシリーズみたいに作るかも。
Dreamy illustrations reminiscent of fairy tales and children\'s picture books. This style of colored pencil drawing emphasizes a hand-drawn feel with cartoon-like character designs. Softened borders and noticeable unevenness of color create a playful and imaginative atmosphere. The scene is a charming, fairy-tale world, depicting two adorably deformed characters on an autumn night when the sky is full of stars, chasing a falling(shooting star), tail-swept star on an airplane, scooping it up with a hand-held insect net and trying to get it back into the sky The first girl has long, wavy blond hair and blue eyes, with an energetic personality and some lovely freckles; the second girl is a quiet-looking, petite, fair-skinned girl with short black hair and brown eyes. The entire illustration captures the essence of a magical adventure full of wonder and imagination. The spinning airplane propeller is depicted with a sense of speed.