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ドブヶ丘のニッチな行楽地といえば、ドブヶ丘ランドが有名ですね。ドブヶ丘ランドは、廃墟となった遊園地を再利用した自称「文化の真空地帯」で、様々な怪奇現象や奇妙な住民に出会えるかもしれません。レールの上を爆走する桶に乗せられドブに突っ込む有名アトラクション「スプラッシュドブ」や、古くなったアトラクションが地盤沈下でドブに飲み込まれるまで放置される光景など、他では味わえないスリルが満載です。 もちろん、ドブヶ丘ランド以外にも、ドブヶ丘には魅力的なスポットがたくさんあります。例えば、横須賀市の「どぶ板通り」にあるアンテナショップ「ドブイタステーション」では、海軍カレーや各種お土産を買うことができますし、SNS上で人気のAI画像生成サービスを使って、自分だけのドブヶ丘の住民や光景を生み出すこともできます。
Dobugaoka Land1 is the most famous of Dobugaoka's niche vacation destinations. Dobugaoka Land is a self-described "cultural vacuum" that repurposes an abandoned amusement park, where visitors may encounter all sorts of bizarre phenomena and strange residents. The famous attraction "Splash Dove," where you are put on a tub that blasts over the rails and plunges into a ditch, and the sight3 of old attractions being left to sit until subsidence swallows them up in a ditch, are just a few of the thrills that you won't find anywhere else.
Of course, in addition to Dobugaoka Land, there are many other attractive spots in Dobugaoka. For example, you can buy navy curry and various souvenirs at "Dobuita Station," an antenna store on Dobuita-dori in Yokosuka City, or you can create your own Dobugaoka residents and scenes using "Bing Image Creator," a popular AI image generation service on Twitter2 You can also create your own Dobugaoka residents and scenes using Bing Image Creator, a popular AI image generation service on Twitter.