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interface ImageDescription { mainCharacter: { type: string; description: string; attributes: { hairColor: string; hairStyle: string; eyeColor: string; facialExpression: string; clothing: { top: string; bottom: string; accessories: string[]; }; posture: string; action: string; }; }; monster: { type: string; description: string; attributes: { numberOfEyes: number; eyeColors: string[]; tentacles: { number: number; description: string; }; mouth: { description: string; teeth: string; }; emotionalState: string; }; }; background: { description: string; colorScheme: string; }; emotions: string[]; artStyle: string; } const imageDescription: ImageDescription = { mainCharacter: { type: \"anime schoolgirl\", description: \"A young girl cautiously approaching a terrifying creature.\", attributes: { hairColor: \"brown\", hairStyle: \"long, with a red ribbon\", eyeColor: \"red\", facialExpression: \"fearful and cautious\", clothing: { top: \"school uniform blazer\", bottom: \"black skirt\", accessories: [\"backpack\"] }, posture: \"slightly bent forward\", action: \"cautiously stepping towards the creature\" } }, monster: { type: \"Shoggoth\", description: \"A terrifying creature with multiple eyes and tentacles.\", attributes: { numberOfEyes: 30, eyeColors: [\"red\", \"green\", \"blue\", \"yellow\", \"brown\"], tentacles: { number: 8, description: \"writhing and emerging from the darkness\" }, mouth: { description: \"large with multiple sharp teeth\", teeth: \"sharp and numerous\" }, emotionalState: \"chaotic and disoriented, with eyes looking in various directions\" } }, background: { description: \"dark, ominous space\", colorScheme: \"black and dark hues\" }, emotions: [\"fear\", \"tension\", \"caution\", \"confusion\"], artStyle: \"modern Japanese anime with vivid colors and detailed shading\" };