これなんていかがでしょう? ガラス製ですがお手頃ですし、 見た目も高価なものと比べて遜色ございません もちろんご満足いただけいない場合は返品可能でございます ご安心ください 3年間の保証もお付けしますよ? ただし、お取り扱いには十分にご注意ください 割れた際の破片は非常に危険でございます
(The male staff) at the store are kind and intellectual style, , but with (a devious:1.5) smile on their faces. His appearance is appropriate as he wears a clean and (chic) suit. upper body, closed eyes,
Looking for red large-sized crystal glass hearts?
If so, we recommend this high-purity, extremely finely crafted (large-sized red crystal glass heart).
(The red crystal glass heart is decorations are very elegant). (Beautiful crystal texture and luster, shine:1.12), His product explanations in smart sales talk are really enjoyable to listen to.
It's very mysterious store Product shelves with a diverse lineup red to (many crystal glass hearts:1.3) background <lora:nikkori_v200:1>