お題の「ラムネ」にちなみ、拙著、大航海時代風世界を舞台にした海洋冒険ファンタジー小説 『El Pirata Del Grimorio ~魔導書の海賊~』(※下記URL参照) のヒロインであるラテン系(スペインがモデル)のおてんばな総督令嬢と、スピンオフに登場するそのお友達であるゲルマン系の海運業者のお嬢さま(じつは海賊の一家を継いだけど、おっとりとした天使のように善良な女の子という設定)がビーチでラムネを飲むところを作成。 二人同時だと、プロンプトが交錯して、なかなか理想的な生成ができないのですが、これはこれでまあまあイイ感じになった一枚。
masterpiece, best quality, extremely detailed, anime, full body shot, 2 girls, high teen, (girls of the same age), princess, young lady, beautiful girl, smile, happy, long hair, blonde hair girl on the right and black hair girl on the left, spiral curl hair girl on the right and floating hair girl on the left, (white skin girl on the right and dark skin girl on the left), green eyes girl on the right and dark eyes girl on the left, (calm girl on the right) and (tomboy girl on the left), (droopy eyes girl on the right) and (slant eyes girl on the left), (classic princess dress), long skirt, ((dark skin girl is wearing a completely yellow colored dress on the left)) and ((white skin girl is wearing a blue colored dress on the right)), girl is putting blue hair ribbon on the right and girl is putting red hair ribbon on the left, 2 girl are sitting around the table, (2 girl are sitting face to face), holding a glass of carbonated water with straw, sitting in a chair, a bottle of ramune on the white table, rococo style parasol, blue sky, strong sunlight, beach, caribbean, tropical, middle age, Age of Discovery,