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この辺りの宙域はレンタル自転車を使って観光するのが良いみたい。 バスや列車の窓から見たのとは、また違った風景が見られるみたいね。 所々、自転車や体が歪んだり消えたりして見えるのは、超光速自転車道の特性によるものですw
A girl with short chestnut-colored hair wearing a baseball cap is pedaling her bicycle energetically
She is wearing sneakers, white socks, short pants and shirt, and a small backpack on her back
The bicycle rides through space, and rays of light stream from the front to the back
A sea of stars, expanding gas clouds, star clusters and nebulae, and the Milky Way fill her field of vision
A cluster of asteroids, planets