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どこが小雨だ!ふざけるな!とおっしゃる気持ち、わかりますよ。 ですが、私のスタンスは「投げたお題にAIがどう反応してくるかを楽しむ」なので、お題に忠実かどうかは重要なことではないのであしからず。違和感を感じるところも含めてAIイラストの醍醐味であります
Drizzling rain, I associate it with a feeling of calmness and tranquility. The sound of the gentle raindrops hitting the ground can have a soothing effect on our minds, helping us to relax and feel at ease. It also brings to mind images of misty landscapes and a sense of stillness in the air. Overall, Drizzling rain represents a serene and peaceful atmosphere that can be both refreshing and rejuvenating.