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ロングヘアーとショートヘアー long hair and short hair
綺麗な花火の背景よりも着物をちゃんと着てくれないことと、ロングヘアーだと靡いて花火とバッチシかぶってしまうところに悩みました。髪は何とかなりましたが着物は諦めました…『murasaちゃんが魅せたいのでしたらどうぞ』って感じでした。ただ魅せ過ぎは好きじゃないのでインナーは着てもらいました 笑 程よく肌を魅せる方が魅力的…だと思います//// I was worried about not wearing a kimono properly rather than the background of the beautiful fireworks, and the fact that I was wearing a long hair and it was a perfect match with the fireworks. I managed to do something about my hair, but I gave up on the kimono... I was like, ``If Murasa wants to charm you, go ahead.\'\' However, I don\'t like being too attractive, so I asked her to wear an inner layer lol I think it\'s more attractive to show your skin just the right amount...////