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魔女「ウィンガーディアムレディオーサ!」(違う) ChatGPT+DALLE-3で生成。 色違いとか。
plus size woman、黒魔導士。黒魔導士が、骸骨戦士と戦っている。赤色の服。ブーツ。頭飾り。ロッドを持っていて、魔法を唱えている。体の周りにオーラを纏っている。 衝撃波。 古城の中。 ワクワク感。 "Create an illustration that merges anime-style character design with the intricate brushwork typical of a detailed oil painting. The character should blend smoothly into the scene, with no harsh outlines but rather soft shading to define their shape. The textures of the clothing and hair should be particularly emphasized, with fabric folds depicted in a lifelike manner and hair strands detailed with precision. The strokes should be fine and nuanced, allowing the textures of the materials to stand out, giving the character a tangible presence within a color-rich but lighting-neutral environment."